Monday, January 21, 2008

Long time no Blog

Well I haven't been here in far too long. With my hours at work and the time it takes to commute by bus I have little time these days. And of course using dialing up these days(which is going to be short lived....will be be no internet soon) is a bit frustrating. Hopfully I can get a couple new posts up soon. Until then.....


rachel said...

Why are you getting rid of internet?? Why are you bussing it?? I feel like I haven't seen or talked to you in FOREVER!
Hugs to you!

Paula said...

Don't get rid of your internet!! Have you found anyone at work that might be willing to carpool?? Hope it's all going well for you!

Julee and Matt said...

Don't leave the blogging's so nice I can keep in touch with my friends back home, while we are here in Utah. Call me if you need anything or just wanna chat sometime. Lots of love!

Tim and Lisa said...

Sometimes you have to make a decision, sounds like you are doing it cause you need to. Just remember the internet is a want not a need. Keep in touch!